The Galion Public Library maintains a
collection of materials
that encompasses a broad assortment of fiction, non-fiction, and
audio-visual items for all ages.
Library Cards
It only takes about five minutes to
your library card. With your
library card you can check out materials from the collection, place
hold or
interlibrary loan requests,
use the
computers, access
information that the library subscribes to,
and generally avail yourself of all the library's services.
Your first library card is free. We do ask that you bring
identification, and something with your current address.
Come to the main desk any time the library is open, and
we'll sign you up for your card.
Lost Cards
If you have had a library card but cannot find it, you can
get a replacement card for $1. To get a replacement card,
you do need ID again, just like when getting your first card.